0800 Meet and Greet
0805 Discussion of the Schedule | Disclaimers
0810 Discussion of the Preliminary Self-Test
0815 Begin Preliminary Self-Test
0850 10 minute break
0900 Vectors | Cardiac Anatomy
0950 10 minute break
1000 Normal Deflections and Intervals
1050 10 minute break
1100 Bundle Branch and Fascicular Blocks
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 ECG Interpretation | Session 1
1350 10 minute break
1400 Chamber Enlargement
1450 10 minute break
1500 AV Blocks | AV Dissociation
1550 10 minute break
1600 ECG Interpretation | Session 2
1700 Afternoon Free!
0800 Introduction to the Laddergram
0850 10 minute break
0900 Atrial Dysrhythmias
0950 10 minute break
1000 AV Reentrant Dysrhythmias
1050 10 minute break
1100 ECG Interpretation | Session 3
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 Wide Complex Tachycardias
1350 10 minute break
1400 Wide Complex Tachycardias
Brugada Method
1450 10 minute break
1500 Wide Complex Tachycardias
1550 10 minute break
1600 ECG Interpretation | Session 4
1700 Rest and Relaxation!
0800 Myocardial Infarction: Part 1 - Ischemia
0850 10 minute break
0900 ECG Interpretation | Session 5
0950 10 minute break
1000 Myocardial Infarction: Part 2 - LCx Occlusion
1050 10 minute break
1100 ECG Interpretation | Session 6
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 Myocardial Infarction: Part 3 - RCA Occlusion
1350 10 minute break
1400 ECG Interpretation | Session 7
1450 10 minute break
1500 Myocardial Infarction: LAD Occlusion
1550 10 minute break
1600 ECG Interpretation | Session 8
1700 Rest and Relaxation
0800 Hyperkalemia and Its Confounders
0850 10 minute break
0900 The Lungs and the 12-Lead ECG
0950 10 minute break
1000 ECG Interpretation | Session 9
1050 10 minute break
1100 ECG Interpretation | Session 10
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 ECG Interpretation | Session 11
1350 10 minute break
1400 ECG Interpretation | Session 12
1450 10 minute break
1500 ECG Interpretation | Session 13
1550 10 minute break
1600 ECG Interpretation | Session 14
1700 Thank you! Have a safe journey home!
It is strongly recommended that you take the Advanced ECG Interpretation Boot Camp or the Masterclass in Advanced Electrocardiography BEFORE enrolling in this course! This is a very advanced course and not suitable for those reading ECGs at the introductory level.
0800 Greetings and Disclaimers
0805 Pre-Course Test
0850 10 minute break
0900 Causes of Dysrhythmias
Triggered Activity
0950 10 minute break
1000 Physiology of Conduction
Decremental and Non-Decremental Conduction
Rate and the Refractory Period
Retrograde Conduction
1050 10 minute break
1100 A Tale of Two Nodes
Sinus Node
Changing Pacemakers Within the SA Node
Discharging and Resetting the SA Node:
Ectopic and Retrograde P´ Waves
AV Node
Structure of the AV Node
Dissociation Within the AV Node
Normal Conduction Through the AV Node
Longitudinal Dissociation
Transverse Dissociation
2:1 conduction / 1:2 conduction
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 Concealed Conduction
1350 10 minute break
1400 Aberrant Conduction
Acceleration-Dependent Aberrancy
Deceleration-Dependent Aberrancy
1450 10 minute break
1500 Approach to Deciphering Complex Dysrhythmias
1550 10 minute break
1600 Reading Complicated Rhythms Strips 1
1700 Rest and Relaxation
0800 The Mysteries of AV Nodal Conduction
Conduction via the FAST and SLOW Pathways
Alternating PR Intervals
The Role of Concealed Conduction
Examples of Abnormal AV Conduction
0850 10 minute break
0900 Challenging Reentrant Tachycardias
Classical Reentry
Pseudo r´ waves in Lead V1
Pseudo s waves in Lead II
Circular Reentry
Recognizing Atypical Reentry
The Effect of Exit Blocks on Reentry
The Places Reentry Might Occur
0950 10 minute break
1000 Long Pauses and Blocks
Phase 3 Block
Phase 4 Block
Third Degree SA Block and Sinus Arrest
Paroxysmal AV Block
1050 10 minute break
1100 Atrial Flutter / Atrial Tachycardia
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 Reading Complicated Rhythms Strips 2
1350 10 minute break
1400 Nodal-Dependent Reentrant Tachycardias
AV Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia (AVNRT)
AV Reentrant Tachycardia (AVRT)
1450 10 minute break
1500 Pre-Excitation
1550 10 minute break
1600 Reading Complicated Rhythms Strips - 3: Pauses
1700 Afternoon at your leisure
0800 Diagnosing Ventricular Tachycardia – The Algorithms
The Sad Fact: You Will Never Be 100% Correct!
The Jones Modification of the Brugada Criteria
0850 10 minute break
0900 The Morphological Criteria
What Are the Morphological Criteria?
Looking for AV Dissociation
0950 10 minute break
1000 Ventricular Tachycardia in Patients with Structural
Heart Disease
1050 10 minute break
1100 Reading Complicated Rhythms Strips 4
1200 Lunch at your leisure
1300 The Benign Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardias
The Outflow Tract Tachycardias
Fascicular Tachycardias
1350 10 minute break
1400 The Dangerous Idiopathic VTs:
Bundle Branch Reentry
1450 10 minute break
1500 Reading Complicated Rhythms Strips 5
1550 10 minute break
1600 Reading Complicated Rhythms Strips 6
1700 Afternoon at your leisure!
0800 Reading Session and Review 7
0850 10 minute break
0900 Reading Session and Review 8
0950 10 minute break
1000 Reading Session and Review 9
1050 10 minute break
1100 Reading Session and Review 10
1200 Lunch
1300 Reading Session and Review 11
1350 10 minute break
1400 Reading Session and Review 12
1450 10 minute break
1500 Reading Session and Review 13
1550 10 minute break
1600 Reading Session and Review 14
1700 Have a Safe Journey Home!